
11. 2020: first events for Moretto

...equipped with powerful turbo-compressors, zeolite technology, the Dew Point equalizer and the exclusive OTX hopper. As for all Moretto dryers, the MOISTURE METER device, an exclusive Moretto solution...

12. Moretto at Chinaplas 2021

...polymer’s dehumidification thanks to the homogeneous treatment of the material inside the exclusive OTX (Original Thermal eXchanger) hopper, which solves the problem of falling flows to guarantee uniform...

14. Moretto mini dryers: small size, big performance

...range are the anti-stress system that prevents over-drying of the polymer and the implementation of the OTX hopper – available in the Pyrex version in the XM series – which increases and completes the...

15. X COMB

X COMB 迷你干燥机 他代表一系列除湿干燥小批量技术材料的最新款高性能迷你干燥机。 X COMB系列专为满足严格的市场要求而设计,该产品采用高效涡轮增压器,分子筛技术,露点均衡器和OTX料斗作为标准配置。 X COMB干燥机可配备MOWIS系统。 露点均衡器可达-52°C (-62 °F) 性能恒定 可自动调节的气流

16. Moretto at PLASTPOL 2023

...Standard features of the range are the anti-stress system that prevents over-drying of the polymer and the OTX hopper, which increases and completes the dryer performance, creating a high-energy efficient...

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