
81. Moretto Turkey celebrates its 10th anniversary

Inspired by the headquarters values ​​and philosophy, the branch has become an important reference point for the Turkish market in the supply of automation for the plastics processing industry. Located...

84. Moretto new in K2022: precision microdosing

The new DGM MINI GRAVIX, specifically designed for microdosing applications, encloses all the constructive and technological backgroung of the Gravix series. It satisfies the needs of all plastics processors...

85. X COMB

X COMB Mini-trockner Er ist die neueste Ergänzung der Reihe der Hochleistungs-Mini-Trockner für die Trocknung von kleinen Mengen technischer Materialien. Die X COMB-Serie wurde speziell für die hohen...

86. Back to Chinaplas

The main topics of this new edition – Green, Smart, Advanced – fully reflect the Moretto philosophy and can be easily recognized in the several automations exposed. Among the showed solutions: X COMB...

88. Moretto at PLASTPOL 2023

Moretto presence in Poland dates back in 2009 when the company set up its plant in Częstochowa. The Polish branch consists in more than ten thousand square meters plant including offices, production dept...

89. Moretto: energy efficiency as driver of development

The solutions showcased embrace all the company's product lines, from conveying to dehumidification, from dosing to granulation, from temperature control and cooling to storage. Solutions that should...

90. Engineering

Entscheidet man sich für eine zentrale Anlage von Moretto, so ist dies nicht nur eine Entscheidung für die Gegenwart, sondern auch eine Investition in die Zukunft. Hierfür muss man die Ausgangssituation...

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