
11. Moretto at Rosplast 2021

Rosplast is a very important occasion to present the Russian market with our latest innovations for plastic materials processors in the automotive, medical, textile, beverage, packaging, electronics and...

14. Road to PLASTPOL 2022

...2022 edition (Stand 24 – Hall G). A new opportunity to meet customers and visitors presenting the latest solutions dedicated to the plastics processing industry. New conveying line: ever more compact...

17. Moretto at PLASTPOL 2023

Moretto presence in Poland dates back in 2009 when the company set up its plant in Częstochowa. The Polish branch consists in more than ten thousand square meters plant including offices, production dept...

18. Moretto: energy efficiency as driver of development

...organization and management of production activities with the support of automated machinery and latest-generation robots. It is precisely these values that guide Moretto towards the development of an...

19. Installationen

Die Geräte von Moretto werden vor dem Versand zu 100 % nach strengen Unternehmensverfahren geprüft. Darüber hinaus wird die Installation einer Anlage von sachkundigen Fachleuten aus dem Bereich der Kunststoffverarbeitung...

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