RCS MINI - Portable Chillers

Portable chillers
Their small footprint allows installation in the department and beside the injection moulding machine. The solid stainless steel construction, which guarantees long duration over time, contains a dual circuit system equipped with high efficiency compressors, centrifugal fans with ductable inverters, condensers with a high heat exchange capacity and coil exchangers "Made in Moretto” with an increased efficiency. The electronic expansion valve ensures operation stability and energy saving. The RCS MINI series joins the major X COOLER series and inherits the great advantages in terms of precision in temperature management, waste reduction, productivity increase and great energy efficiency even for small and medium units installed beside the injection moulding machine.
RCS MINI are MOWIS ready.
- Long corrosion-free life stainless steel construction
- High efficiency compressors
- Integrated tank