Batch gravimetric dosing units

The DGM GRAVIX gravimetric dosing units have an advanced digital technology.

They are equipped with an evol­ved touch screen interface for an easy and intuitive management of the machine and for recipes storage.

The patented system on the hoppers composed by a Double-Eyelid Shutter has a reaction speed of 25 ms, which ensures an extreme level of accuracy. The weighing hopper is free from any mechanical interference during the weighing cycle and immunity to vibrations. The GRAVIX weighs each component 100 times per second.

Each machine can employ nine different types of hoppers in order to obtain the most suitable configuration for any specific requirements and can be easily removable. The material flow rate and each batch are constantly monitored to ensure precision consistency.

DGM GRAVIX can be installed direct on the machine throat, on a frame on the floor or equipped with a special suction tank.

DGM GRAVIX is provided with a ETHERNET port, RS485 port for the MODBUS protocol and with a USB port for easy upload and download of data.



  • Double eyelid shutter
  • Stainless steel hoppers
  • Maximum dosing precision
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