
51. Thermochillers

THC Thermochiller +10/+95 °C Absolute precision in management of temperature, pressures and water throughput is guaranteed by solid-state relays and control systems with microprocessors. The operator...

52. Be Tomorrow

Energy saving and environmental protection have always been essential principles of the Moretto’s philosophy. A constant COMMITMENT that leads the company to continuous research for creating machines...

53. Moretto met the students

During the visit Mr Paolo Gasparotto (Business Development Manager) led an interesting conference about Moretto’s vision, mission and strategy. It was a great day spent with very involved students. These meeting are always a source of growth for us! Thank you all for your enthusiasm and good luck for the future!

54. DPK: Solving the problem of overdosing

A compact loss-in-weight additive dosing unit, suitable for intermittent or continuous dosing of small quantities of color or additives into a flow base material.Thanks to the exclusive vibration immunity...

58. Moretto: Industry 4.0 and Integration of skills

The key word of this fourth industrial revolution is "integration", understood in different dimensions: vertical integration of the factory, the horizontal one of the production chain and the external...

59. The new Moretto website is now online!

Moretto, always at the forefront in the creation of automation for plastic processors, operates globally (8 branches and a sales network present in over 60 countries) and interfaces with the world's top...

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