
31. DPK

...additives into a flow of base material. The masterbatch or additive to be dosed is contained in a hopper made of a specific transparent shock-resistant acrylic material that makes immediately visible...

32. Micro batch dosing units a precise dosing unit available in single component and multi-component applications up to four hoppers. It is specifically designed for dosing Masterbatch to natural virgin plastic materials. The...

34. X COMB Dryer HU

...KÜLÖNLEGES HONEYCOMB TECHNOLÓGIA a digitális motorral együtt, konstans harmatpontot hoz létre. Az OTX HOPPER TECHNOLÓGIA geometriájának köszönhetően rövid idő alatt egyenletes szárítást tesz lehetővé...

36. Moretto mini dryers: small size, big performance

...the anti-stress system that prevents over-drying of the polymer and the implementation of the OTX hopper – available in the Pyrex version in the XM series – which increases and completes the dryer performance...

37. Moretto new in K2022: precision microdosing

...needs of all plastics processors who have to dose very small percentages of material. The innovative hopper design optimises a consistent mass flow for steady dosing and highest accuracy in any conditions...

38. Back to Chinaplas

...out for its high level of dosing precision. It is equipped – like the other range models – with a hopper made of transparent shockproof acrylic material that makes the material content and loading level...

39. Moretto at PLASTPOL 2023

...needs of all plastics processors who have to dose very small percentages of material. The innovative hopper design optimises a consistent mass flow for steady dosing and highest accuracy in any conditions...

40. Engineering

...beyond installation. Our technicians offer innovative solutions, looking at the customer's needs and opportunities, thanks to their long-standing experience in the plastics processing sector. A perfect...

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