

DGM GRAVIX 20 Batch gravimetric microdosing unit DGM GRAVIX 20 is specifically designed for the microdosing of plastic material and it is suitable for any application. Compared to the other gravimetric...

22. Centralised cooling systems

RC COMBIUNI - MULTI Combi chillersThe COMBI chillers are designed with a modular concept for extension. COMBI is equipped with high capacity insulated tank. All the models are equipped with an independent...

23. Pumping groups

GPPumping groupsHigh performance pump units are required for maximum efficiency in cooling liquid circulation. These pumping groups ensures adaptive flow rates and pressures in the plant processes. Minimum...

24. Insulated Hoppers

...connection to external pipes, filters and heating groups or on modular mezzanines to optimize the use of space in the processing areas. The OTX series comprises 27 sizes ideal for any kind of need. OTX...

25. Manifolds

DOLPHIN DLF - Automatic manifolds Dolphin is specifically created for material-machine allocation in plastics conveying plants. Each arm is independent and managed by a pneumatic cylinder, thus ensuring...

26. Mixers

MVX Fast Mixer MVX series mixers are designed to obtain an homogeneous blending for different types of plastic material. They are suitable for column assembling and pre-arranged to install volumetric...

27. DPK

...base material. The masterbatch or additive to be dosed is contained in a hopper made of a specific transparent shock-resistant acrylic material that makes immediately visible the material contained and...

28. X COMB Dryer HU

Tökéletes polimer szárítás 100% -os zeolit molekulaszita és fejlett gyártástechnológia kombinációja garantálja. Nagy energiahatékonyság Turbokompresszorai teljes elektromos támogatást nyújtanak alacsony...

29. X COMB Dryer CZ

Perfektní sušení polymerů Zaručeno kombinací 100% použití zeolitu a pokročilé konstrukční technologie. Vysoká energetická účinnost Turbokompresory poskytují plnou elektrickou podporu s nízkou spotřebou...


FLOWMATIK Automatic technological air distribution Flowmatik is dedicated to the technological processing air distribution for multi-hopper applications. By setting data on each hopper, the system controls...

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