
Moretto equipment is 100% tested before shipment according to strict company procedures. Furthermore, the installation of a plant is carried out by experienced technicians in the plastics processing sector, following solid procedures and supporting the customer during the start-up phase, setting the working parameters and providing all the technical support documentation for use and any ordinary and extraordinary maintenance.

During installation, the customer's technical staff is specifically trained to ensure that the Moretto system always performs at its best, including in the energy efficiency term.

100% testing

Product Life time of the product validated during industrialisation and 100% tested in our factories.

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is the strategic development driver for all Moretto machines, with the aim of generating resources for growth.


Moretto products are defined by attention to detail and choice of materials, ergonomics, ease of use and durability. In short: complete quality.


Installations are carried out in a professional manner by experienced specialists who will train the customer's technical staff on request.

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