1. Systèmes de transport centralisés
...vannes de rapport correspondantes. Le système de chargement EXA présente les caractéristiques du ONE WIRE 3. FlexibilitéSystèmes centralisés de pocheSuper fiabilité ONE WIRE 3Système de transport centraliséONE...
2. Receveurs à haute efficacité
...three-phase KASKO COMPACT receivers are dedicated to the vacuum conveying of plastic material in One Wire 3 three-phase conveying systems. These machines have a compact design and they are entirely made...
3. Moretto at Chinaplas 2019 with 4.0 solutions for Asian plastics processors 20 Kg/h) and saving 50% of energy. Another relevant 4.0 innovation displayed at Chinaplas is One Wire 3, a server dedicated to the centralized management of the entire plastic granule transport system...
4. Back to Chinaplas
...human error. It is a modular solution that can be easily configured according to customer needs; One Wire Software, a PLC-based server for the control of centralized conveying systems. An intelligent...