
1. Chargeurs

...spéciales. Système Venturi Corps en acier inoxydable Version DUO KASKO COMPACT Single-phase compact hopper loaders The single-phase KASKO COMPACT hopper loaders are a compact and functional solution...

3. Trémies isolées

OTX Série Original Thermal eXchanger OTX est une trémie de séchage exclusive, conçue avec une géométrie spéciale brevetée, et des propriétés thermodynamiques uniques permettant une performance de séchage...

4. Moretto: energy efficiency as driver of development

...which has electricity as one of its highest costs. The revolutionary OTX (Original Thermal eXchanger) hopper The OTX dehumidification hopper, the result of ingenuity and sophisticated mathematical simulations...

5. Configurations sécheur - trémie

...The modular mezzanines can be supplied in the VIEWER control, ANTISTRESS system or FLOWMATIK multi-hopper adaptive airflow management version. Optimisation de l'espace Modularité Extension future facile


...immediately before the polymer transformation. Moisture Meter LOOP has a Moisture Meter at the base of the hopper. When the system recognizes that the material leaving the hopper is not properly dehumidified...

7. DPK: Solving the problem of overdosing

...material.Thanks to the exclusive vibration immunity system, the machine control algorithm and the hopper removeable from the dosing unit, DPK achieves a dosing accuracy up to ±0,03%, allowing processors...


...X MAXOTXFLOWMATIKMOISTURE METER MANAGER X MAX Sécheur modulaire X MAX est un design modulaire développé pour les grands systèmes. Avec le couplage de modules, X MAX peut servir des systèmes jusqu'à 20...

9. Moretto at Chinaplas 2021

"China is for us an important growing market. The exhibition will not only be an opportunity to showcase Moretto’s products, but above all a return to direct contact with our customers" says Silvia Moretto...

10. Road to PLASTPOL 2022

...for the company that has confirmed its participation for the 2022 edition (Stand 24 – Hall G). A new opportunity to meet customers and visitors presenting the latest solutions dedicated to the plastics...

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