
23. Moretto mini dryers: small size, big performance

...the anti-stress system that prevents over-drying of the polymer and the implementation of the OTX hopper – available in the Pyrex version in the XM series – which increases and completes the dryer performance...

24. Moretto new in K2022: precision microdosing

...needs of all plastics processors who have to dose very small percentages of material. The innovative hopper design optimises a consistent mass flow for steady dosing and highest accuracy in any conditions...

25. Back to Chinaplas

...out for its high level of dosing precision. It is equipped – like the other range models – with a hopper made of transparent shockproof acrylic material that makes the material content and loading level...

26. Moretto at PLASTPOL 2023

...needs of all plastics processors who have to dose very small percentages of material. The innovative hopper design optimises a consistent mass flow for steady dosing and highest accuracy in any conditions...

27. Ingénierie

...Nos techniciens proposent des solutions innovantes, en tenant compte des besoins du client et des opportunités, grâce à leur expérience consolidée dans le secteur de la transformation des matières plastiques...

28. Moretto at Fakuma 2024

...Among the drying solutions on display there will be the revolutionary OTX (Original Thermal eXchanger) hopper, the compact fully electric X COMB dryer, and the innovative MOISTURE METER analyzer for...

29. Automobile

Le secteur automobile investit énormément de moyens dans la recherche et le développement continus. En outre, les attentes des clients sont toujours élevées pour dépasser leurs demandes. Chez Moretto...

30. Receveurs à haute efficacité

...light KASKO SLIM Three-phase slim receivers Space-saving version of the exclusive KASKO SKY Series hopper loaders suitable for the direct installation on the dosing systems. This version features the...

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