Moretto’s 40 years anniversary book

It was January 14th, 1980 when Renato Moretto went to the Padua Chamber of Commerce to register the company "Lavorazioni Lamiere di Moretto Renato". “It was done and I felt the full responsibility of my actions […]”.

The story of a man - Renato Moretto, founder and current President of the Group – who more than 40 years ago decided to believe in his instinct until it became reality looking at the world with curiosity and seeing what others do not see. Real life episodes, family tales and business life.

“You see, where this lovely desk is today […], once upon a time wasn’t far from where my father, mother, sister and I all slept. It seems like ages ago, but in actual fact they were only the 60s in this area of Italy which was still rural. We had nothing, but we had everything.”

An exciting book that, page after page, recovers the life of the entrepreneur: childhood, school, family and work. A life characterized by difficult moments, deprivations, challenges but also satisfaction and gratification because after all, every effort is rewarded and the results arrive if you put passion for your work at first place.

“[…] Probably more than discourage me, it gave me even more determination to want to carry on”.

The message is clear and wants to be an incentive for all those who have a childhood dream: where there’s a will there’s a way; it can be done!

This is Moretto’s story: new products, patents, partnerships, events, expansion in Europe and overseas. Goals shared and achieved thanks to the support and commitment of everyone: collaborators, agents, dealers and customers from all sectors and from all over the world. Key players who share the company's values: trust, respect and honesty.

“Imprese d’Italia – I protagonisti dell’economia” is the series published by 24 Ore Cultura which tells the story of the entrepreneurs who characterized Italy’s economic structure with their activities. Business stories that start from afar and look ahead.”

Available in store.

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