Moretto receives the "Industria Felix Award – Italia che compete" as an excellence in the mechanical sector

Moretto has been honoured with the prestigious Industria Felix Award – Italia che compete. The award ceremony took place in Milan at Palazzo Mezzanotte, the headquarters of ELITE and Borsa Italiana (the Italian Stock Exchange).

The Industria Felix Award was granted to Moretto in recognition of its management performance, financial reliability, and commitment to sustainability. The competition involved various industrial categories, with Moretto emerging among with the top 15 Italian excellences in the mechanical sector.

The selection of winning companies was carried out objectively through a sophisticated algorithm based on financial statements and financial ratings, ensuring maximum impartiality and objectivity in evaluations.

Moretto joins other awarded companies, helping to highlight the excellence and competence of the Italian entrepreneurial scene. The award gives Moretto a further mark of quality and confirms its leading role in the mechanics sector at national level, and in particular in the strategic plastics processing sector.

The event has been organized by Industria Felix Magazine, a quarterly magazine directed by Michele Montemurro, distributed with Il Sole 24 Ore. The fourth national edition of the Award has been realized in collaboration with Cerved, Università Luiss Guido Carli, A.c. Industria Felix, with the support of Confindustria, under the patronage of Simest, in media partnership with Il Sole 24 Ore and Askanews, and with partnerships of Banca Mediolanum, Mediolanum Private Banking, Grant Thornton, ELITE, Plus Innovation, and M&L Consulting Group.

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