Strong export markets signal positive year for Moretto

22 November 2018 - British Plastics & Rubber

Moretto says that strong export markets are leading to a busy year for the company, as it forges ahead with product and process innovation.

During the Fakuma trade fair, Moretto said that growth in North American markets, as well as in its home country of Italy, are contributing to a successful year.

The company is now working on an expansion at its Headquarters to streamline its production processes.

“We are currently working on a new, 30,000 sq. m. production facility close to our headquarters, which we expect to be complete in 2019. This will bring our total overall manufacturing capacity to 75,000 sq. m.,” explained Laura Bocchia, Marketing Manager for Moretto.

“We are also working on new products for customers to be launched in 2019. These will continuously focus on sustainable manufacturing and efficiency.”

During Fakuma, Moretto unveiled its ‘Factory of the Future’ concept, which it says “sets the benchmark” for a plant consisting of advanced machinery and solutions, connected and integrated with each other by a supervision system that guarantees total control of the process.

Within the 4.0 factory model, machines can be remotely managed, they are able to supply and exchange information, to self-program and to provide frequent reports on production. The data obtained is used to modify the process parameters to monitor the performance of the machines, to prevent expensive downtimes therefore optimising the efficiency of the entire plant.

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