
53. The new Moretto website is now online!

Moretto, always at the forefront in the creation of automation for plastic processors, operates globally (8 branches and a sales network present in over 60 countries) and interfaces with the world's top...

55. Moretto at Rosplast 2021

...batches or additives that prevents overdosing by achieving an accuracy of ± 0.3%. DPK features a transparent acrylic hopper that allows the operator to see the machine status at any time and from a great...

58. Moretto Turkey celebrates its 10th anniversary

...and where commercial and technical training will be held to guarantee a promptly trained staff. A new space to welcome customers and partners who will be able to deepen their auxiliary automations knowledge...

60. Back to Chinaplas

...level of dosing precision. It is equipped – like the other range models – with a hopper made of transparent shockproof acrylic material that makes the material content and loading level immediately visible...

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