The new Moretto website is now online!

2019 begins with full of news for Moretto Spa, first of all the presentation of the new website, now online and usable on all types of devices.

Moretto, always at the forefront in the creation of automation for plastic processors, operates globally (8 branches and a sales network present in over 60 countries) and interfaces with the world's top players of the plastic industry.

Considering the global nature and specialization of its customers, Moretto renews his website with a communication that immediately reflects the company values.

The new graphic layout and a simple, intuitive and easy to navigate interface, allows the user to enter in Moretto’s world, to more easily explore the wide range of products and services and to stay constantly informed about the company's activities, in an increasingly connected and social perspective.

Therefore, a great attention to clear and complete contents, the use of images and video to best present our technologies.

From the Home Page, the user of Moretto website selects its field of application and directly accesses to the section of products. Developed in responsive mode, it can be visited on computers, tablets and smartphones, and includes different language versions, all aligned in style and content.

The new Moretto website aims to be a new information platform able to respond immediately and effectively to the requests of an increasingly demanding clientele, which is aware of the fact that investments in automation are decisive for the competitiveness and efficiency of their business.

Many other activities are underway… stay tuned!

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Bilgi Talebi

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