Moretto S.p.A. among the 1,000 Champions companies in 2020

1,000 Champions companies in 2020 is a prestigious award that follows the analysis of the ItalyPost Study Center on companies that performed best between 2012 and 2018. A study that is characterized by absolute scientific rigor in the analysis of financial statements and on very stringent criteria.

The survey describes two poles of the Italian enterprises: the ones between 20 and 120 million turnover with 800 champion companies and the other ones between 120 and 500 million turnover with 200 Italian companies. In terms of regional distribution, the area of Lombardy is the winner with 322 companies followed by Veneto with 175 and Emilia with 141.

Renato Moretto, President of Moretto S.p.A, will attend “Meet the Champions” on the afternoon of Thursday 15th October, the Paduan tour stop organized by ItalyPost in collaboration with “L’Economia del Corriere della Sera”. An opportunity for discussion among big names during which the entrepreneur will illustrate the results of the group, the entrepreneurial and business models that have allowed the company to grow and confirm itself as a trusted and solid partner.

“Being among the 1,000 Champions companies is a source of pride and satisfaction. Another important appointment after the "Premio Industria Felix - Il Veneto che compete", that leads us to positively retrace the choices made in the recent past allowing us to this result and that always offer us new incentives to face the challenges of the future” – as stated by the company.

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Bilgi Talebi

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