Moretto among the 100 ITALIAN EXCELLENCES 2021

Referenced by the Observatory of Italian Excellence for the merits recognized contributing to the social-economic development of our country, Moretto received the recognition "EXCELLENCE STORIES | 100 ITALIAN EXCELLENCES".

The award ceremony took place on December, 16th in Campidoglio in Rome. The event involved high-profile personalities who give prestige not only to our country image, but also promote and enhance a distinctive brand recognized all over the world.

"Our company has always aimed at excellence and being the best partner for our customers by providing solutions that contribute to their success. Products and services with high technological content that contribute to the progress and mankind well-being in a sustainable way and respecting the environment. Being mentioned among the 100 Italian excellences is a very important recognition for us, a further demonstration of how our work is essential in enhancing and making a brand - that of “Made in Italy” - known throughout the world which has always been synonymous with quality and reliability” says Renato Moretto, President of the company.

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