
1. Industria Felix 2020 Award Moretto

...40 years is specialized in the design and manufacture of automations for the plastics processing industry. The event, organized by Industria Felix Magazine, has been managed in collaboration with Cerved...

2. Kırma Makineleri için aksesuarları

...tüm modellerde temizlik için tamamen erişilebilir. Ses geçirmez fan Tamamen erişilebilir Siklon Roto Dust Toz Ayırıcısı Roto Toz Ayırıcısı, kırma malzemede mevcut olan tozun işleme makinesi boğazına...

3. The show goes on, 4 events in April for Moretto

...from 5th to 8th in France at FIP with the local partner Martiplast, in Slovenia at International Industry Fair in collaboration with the sales partner Lesnik and in Brazil at Interplast Joinville. From...

7. Road to PLASTPOL 2022 customers and visitors presenting the latest solutions dedicated to the plastics processing industry. New conveying line: ever more compact and modular Production process planning is essential to...

8. Moretto at K 2022: global approach, Italian roots

...time. An approach that distinguishes also the K fair, the leading event for the plastics and rubber industry that continues to attract exhibitors and visitors from all over the world. The 2022 edition...

10. Siklon Tipi Merkezi Filtreleri

Siklon FiltreleriFV-FVS serisiFV-FVS serisi siklon filtreleri iletim sistemlerinde filtreleme problemleri için çok etkili çözümlerdir.Hammadde yükleme sistemlerinin bulunduğu tesislerdeki toz problemeri...

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Bilgi Talebi

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