BLUE & SKY Products


The BLUE line contains automation equipment dedicated to be the most competitive sectors. Fast delivery, easy installation and easy integration with existing systems. A large range of Blue products are available together with a wide range of options.

  • Easy interface
  • Fast delivery
  • Reliability
  • Competitiveness
  • Mowis ready


The SKY line is the expression of the most advanced technologies for the plastics processing industry. Low energy consumption and the highest performance are promised. Suitable for the most stringent industries such as Medical, Optical and Aerospace, they hold technological leadership in the industry. Thirty seven exclusive projects marked OMS&P represent the expression and character of the company, strongly oriented to the future in the name of competitiveness.

  • Exclusive Products
  • Innovative Solutions
  • Technological leadership
  • Champions in energy saving
  • Excellent performance
  • Remote service
  • Sky protection pack
  • Modular systems
  • Integrated supervision
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