
2. Moretto at K 2022: global approach, Italian roots

Moretto Headquarters Massanzago - Italy Passion, ideas, values and people characterize Moretto story. It is synonymous with unique, high-performance systems that last over time. A story of reliability...

4. Gravimetric Batch Blenders

...blenders DGM 900 – DGM 1000 – DGM 2000 are the largest blenders of the range for production up to 26,500 lb/h. The machines have been designed in particular for treating regrind scales and flakes. Free...

5. Material handling

BB BAGGY Big-bags unloader Baggy is suitable for the use at the process machine side. It has been developed to allow the big-bag discharge by falling and it has a modular structure that allows treatment...


SILCONTROL Material decoding system System projected to synchronize material-silos matching phases avoiding human error. With a provided reader the material is identified by a bar code control and automatically...

7. Certifications

...attention to detail and effectiveness in achieving objectives. Recently, we have also obtained ISO 50001:2018 certification, which proves the Moretto's goal of promoting internal practices that improve...

9. MORETTO among the Italian Champion companies also in 2022

...with ‘L’Economia del Corriere della Sera’ analyzed the 2014-2020 financial statement between 20 and 500 million Euros of Italian companies identifying the 1000 Italian Champion ones. “An important recognition...

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