
21. Crystallizers

...allows for quick and safe access to the mixing chamber in under two minutes. The unique design of the hopper allows a single operator to open and close the hopper as needed. Each unit is finished with...

22. Volumetric Feeders

...perfect dosing. Simple percentage direct setting Inclined screw control avoids accidental granule dropping due to vibrations Arranged for 100 recipes on memory DVM H High temperature doser for masterbatch...

23. Gravimetric Feeders

...additives into a flow of base material. The masterbatch or additive to be dosed is contained in a hopper made of a specific transparent shock-resistant acrylic material that makes immediately visible...

28. Moretto new in K2022: precision microdosing

...needs of all plastics processors who have to dose very small percentages of material. The innovative hopper design optimises a consistent mass flow for steady dosing and highest accuracy in any conditions...

29. X COMB deliver exactly the righ performance with no wasted energy. The integrated, stainless steel, OTX hopper assures perfect mass flow of resin, total dehumidification and a typical 33% reduction in drying...

30. Back to Chinaplas

...out for its high level of dosing precision. It is equipped – like the other range models – with a hopper made of transparent shockproof acrylic material that makes the material content and loading level...

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