
Deciding to install a Moretto centralised system does not only mean making a choice for the present but an investment for the future. For this to happen, it is necessary to accurately and professionally assess the customer's starting situation, his needs, the regulatory requirements for the technologies involved and all the components that make up the system.

For this reason, from the earliest design stages, a Project Manager is assigned to the customer to ensure compliance with all design requirements, supporting him in all choices up to and beyond installation.

Our technicians offer innovative solutions, looking at the customer's needs and opportunities, thanks to their long-standing experience in the plastics processing sector.

A perfect end product comes from perfect management of the entire transformation cycle.

Customer centricity

Placing the customer at the centre means having the creative drive to meet its needs in the best possible way.


Consolidated experience in different application areas to always offer the most suitable solution.


Bringing improvements for the customer through product and process innovations is our goal.

Regulation compliance

The knowledge and application of regulatory factors is a competitive advantage for us and the customer.

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