
62. The new Moretto website is now online!

Moretto, always at the forefront in the creation of automation for plastic processors, operates globally (8 branches and a sales network present in over 60 countries) and interfaces with the world's top...

68. Counter

CNT Counter Çevrim içi Tartım Sistemi COUNTER, merkezi hammadde yükleme ünitesi tarafından transfer edilen plastik granül hammaddenin miktarını ölçmeye yarayan çevrim içi bir sistemdir. COUNTER, makina...

69. 1980-2020: 40 years of passion for plastic

An important anniversary that reminds us all of the challenges, goals and events we experienced during these years and now looking positively towards the future.A heartfelt thank you to all the people...

70. Moretto: Empowering Health

In order to continue to be by their side, we follow a rigorous prevention protocol for the health protection of our collaborators and partners and for the continuity of our business in the best conditions...

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Bilgi Talebi

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