
31. Moretto at PLASTPOL 2023

...needs of all plastics processors who have to dose very small percentages of material. The innovative hopper design optimises a consistent mass flow for steady dosing and highest accuracy in any conditions...

32. Engineering

...beyond installation. Our technicians offer innovative solutions, looking at the customer's needs and opportunities, thanks to their long-standing experience in the plastics processing sector. A perfect...

33. Receivers

...light KASKO SLIM Three-phase slim receivers Space-saving version of the exclusive KASKO SKY Series hopper loaders suitable for the direct installation on the dosing systems. This version features the...

34. Material handling

...very flexible according to the employment condition and it disposes of three free sides around the hopper for a better accessibility. Airlocks valve with variable capacity Frequency drive control Three open sides-easy accessibility

37. Counter

...conveying point. COUNTER finds it’s ideal installation under the conveying receiver and above the hopper that feeds the machine. There are three precision weighing cells that measure the exact amount...

38. 2020: first events for Moretto

...with powerful turbo-compressors, zeolite technology, the Dew Point equalizer and the exclusive OTX hopper. As for all Moretto dryers, the MOISTURE METER device, an exclusive Moretto solution for the...

39. IIndustria Felix 2020 Award Moretto

...President of the company, forced to a period of pause due to an accident. An absence that has not however stopped the activities and projects of the company that has continued to grow and invest by showing...

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